Applications for the EI² & RHA Facilitator Certification Program are rolling in, curiosity calls are happening, and the paradigm shift for a program such as this is resonating! It’s scary (yes it is!) to launch something this big and trust that people will want it - actually want it from a place of, “I'm doing this” rather than, “Oh, cool idea!”
Yet, this is what it is like when you place equity at the center of your leadership - it’s a constant walk of being vulnerable - leading from a place of risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure. That’s part of this work and it’s a muscle that has to be cultivated. This “vulnerability muscle” gets stronger over time, but not without the workout of using it.
After 17 years as a high school principal (8 of which were at my own Black independent school) and 3 years as an educational executive leader for Partners in School Innovation, I continue to know first-hand just how hard LEADING for equity is; not professing it, not supporting it, but leading it.
And here’s the kicker: if you are the one leading it and the needle is not really moving, that’s a hard truth to swallow. You may want to blame or shame, but that’s not the way to go - you’ve got to look within….YOU are the LEADER. It took me time to get it “right.” It doesn’t need to take you as much time if you do the important, critical self-work now. I know because I lived it, I learned it, I became it.
If you don't work your vulnerability muscle, then you lead (and live) a little less authentically, a little less courageously. Courage is the cure. I’ve learned that. So, I get vulnerable in my leadership - daily…and it’s often not easy. I speak up more, I say the hard things, I trust my heart and words to express in the right way, feeling into the vulnerability and all of its discomfort, each and every time.
Sounds big, sounds hard, I know. But it’s all learnable, it’s all teachable. Come, BE with me, and I will show you how.
In love & leadership,


FINAL CALL to get VIP Access to Dare to Lead Seattle! Not everyone is able to have the luxury of being in an organization that offers a Dare to Lead program with me...and that’s okay - I’ve got you. Come join me and my team in Seattle, WA from February 23 - 25 for DTL Leadership Intensive Training! Only 50 seats for this! This is in-person with fully catered breakfast and lunch. Upon registration, you will be provided with nearby hotel options. The training days are long! We recommend that you fly in on Wednesday and plan to fly out Sunday. VIP Registration will open in just a few days on October 10. “VIP” means that you’ve already been DTL trained with me and you are signing up some folks in your org OR you are waiting on me to get you a registration link to ensure your spot before it goes public! It's not too late to be a DTL VIP - you will get an email on October 10 for priority registration until October 17 or when we max out capacity of 50 seats - whichever happens first!

EI² & RHA Facilitator Certification The Train-the-Trainer Certification is here and the application deadline is just over 2 weeks away! Applications are rolling in, curiosity calls are happening, and the paradigm shift for a program such as this is resonating! Will YOU strengthen your leadership in this way to build your capacity and create lasting change? Through this 11-month certification program, starting January 23, participants will HEAL through inner-work, TRANSFORM both self and systems, and LEAD courageously to create more inclusive schools, organizations, and communities where there is an experience of belonging and equitable outcomes. Learn more about the program outcomes, logistics, investment, and application process at

Tovi is an innovative visionary, healer, and award-winning educator whose career in education began over 25 years ago. She is also the visionary behind the new movement of Racial Healing Allies™. From her lived experience, Tovi teaches on what the future of successful, resilient leadership will require: emotionally intelligent consciousness, connection, and courage.
Mindful Magazine, "10 Powerful Women in the Mindfulness Movement: 2021"