Welcome Allies!
Our organizations and companies become more equitable and inclusive when the leadership
becomes more equitable and inclusive. There is
no systemic-transformation without
Here’s your opportunity to be intentional about your next steps of transformation and growth for yourself, your family, your team, or your entire organization. It is undeniable - we are in the midst of a systemic racial reckoning that we continue to witness almost daily. What is your role in this? ALLYSHIP. Further, if you are a leader, your role is to support those you lead in becoming SKILLFUL ALLIES. And Skillful Allyship requires EMBODIMENT, not a “tell me what to do” mindset. When we don’t know what to “do” it’s because we don’t know how to “be.”
Anchoring to my unique approach, my team and I have created two signature programs to make this as easy as possible for you. It’s “plug & play” and our programs will show you the way. Through our signature programs, we support the awareness and skills needed so that all levels of the leadership and organization fully participate. The programs have been curated with emotionally intelligent leadership development, racial healing, neuroscience, and trauma-responsiveness. Our work is designed to get you doing what most say is hardest to do: have difficult race-based conversations with compassion and growth for actionable behaviors, resulting in systemic change.
So many organizations and leaders get "the work" wrong because they take it upon themselves to govern everyone's learning for this work, which often results in gate-keeping and avoiding “the work.” That is a colonized-mindset rooted in white dominant culture. The most wise thing is to create autonomy in this work by providing both protected time and the investment for those that are WILLING and have a genuine desire to do this work. It doesn't negate that, yes, you should offer org-wide training, but it does allow for those under your leadership who want to engage deeply to not be dependent on or slowed down by the pace of the organization. Let the energy of the employees contribute to the DEIB work simply by them engaging and growing at a pace they
welcome. It shows that you value DEIB, support your staff, and are engaging in the work at levels that are do-able, allowing you to still focus on your work at hand.
RACIAL HEALING ALLIES™ has a signature approach, fostering a movement of allies contributing to the global healing needed for all of humanity to prosper in consciousness, connection, and courage. Consider this your invitation to join the movement.
Course participants can receive graduate-level professional development credit through
Brandman University.

NEW course:
FALL 2024

A portion of proceeds are donated to
Coalition of Schools Educating Mindfully

Course Testimonials

“This class was fantastic.
Absolutely transformative in the best possible way. And, WOW, what a safe container! I really believe the only reason I went so deep into this work was the safety of this container."
- Edmond Manning
Mindful Allyship & Embodied Allyship
“I discovered how much shame I was holding as a white person and how much shame I was projecting on other people. Practicing a kind of forgiveness of myself as a way of taking meaningful action versus being immobilized by shame was one of my biggest takeaways."
- Don & Cara, Husband & Wife
Mindful Allyship & Embodied Allyship

“Having this experience together, having common language a common understanding of the
history of racial injustice is so
helpful. Now I feel like we can always talk about this."
- Sisters Christi & Cheryl
Mindful Allyship

Some Organizations Served
Ancestral Medicine
Bronxville Schools, NY
Gabriella Charter Schools
Milpitas Unified School District
Napa County of Education
Oklahoma State U
Pankow Construction
Rethink First
Rincon Valley USD
Saint Francis High School
Santa Rosa School for the Arts
Solano County of Education
Sound Discipline
Southwest Human Dev, AZ
Synchro/Servably MSP, WA
The Learning Center for the Deaf, MA
Travis USD
Valley View USD, IL
Course Facilitators
Your growth and development in this course will be skillfully and compassionately held by the following facilitators:

Tovi Scruggs-Hussein
Tovi is an author, healer, and award-winning educator with over 25 years of leadership, meditation, and school-transformation experience. She is on a mission to heal our schools and systems through Emotionally Intelligent Leadership development, Racial Healing, and Trauma-Responsive Resilience.
Tovi has been a certified executive coach through New Ventures West since 2012 and has been personally trained by Brene Brown as a Certified Dare to Lead Facilitator to train others in courageous leadership with a lens of inclusion and belonging. Yet, the very best leadership training she ever received was the17 years she spent as a principal. Tovi co-founded ACSA’s Equity Leaders Academy. She is a founding adjunct professor of Trauma-Informed Leadership at Mills College and is the National President for Coalition for Schools Educating Mindfully. She is also the visionary of Racial Healing Allies, a movement to create equitable and inclusive schools and organizations.Tovi cultivates conscious, connected, and courageous leaders world-wide.

Sally Albright Green
Sally is an instructional coach, and mindfulness practitioner and trainer. She has her MEd in Curriculum and instruction, is a Certified Teacher Evaluator in the state of Illinois, and sits on the board of the Coalition of Schools Educating Mindfully.
She spent fourteen years teaching 8th grade ELA in a large ethnically diverse middle school, and is now a Teaching and Learning Coach at a K-5 Title 1 school in suburban Chicago. She has taken courses provided by Mindful Schools, The Mindsight Institute, Mindful Leadership and UCSD Center for Mindfulness. She began studying her racial identity almost twenty years ago, and has worked to incorporate her sensitivities about race into her day to day life in and out of school. Sally understands the idea that teachers and students will thrive, when stakeholders work to correct the impact systemic whiteness has on curriculum, grading practices, and classroom climates all over the country.

Grace Helms Kotre
Grace, MSW, is a Certified Mindfulness Instructor and Social Justice Educator. Grace’s passion for facilitating inner transformation and social change through contemplative practice informs her life and work. As the founder of Power to Be, LLC, she offers trainings and presentations on mindfulness as a tool for personal
healing and equity-based social change. Grace also serves as an adjunct lecturer in the Department of Health & Human Services at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Grace has a background in community social work and human ecology, and she has been committed to a daily meditation practice for over ten years. As a white woman, Grace is continually in the work of understanding her own internalized white racial identity, white dominant culture, and racism.

Come, let’s heal. Come, BE with me. Together, you will do the work, and I will
show you how.
Tici'ess, Inc.
4200 Park Blvd, #237 Oakland,
CA 94602
Social: @goddessatwork